Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Easy Application Process for Direct Filing ISF

TRG Direct will make the transition into self-filing ISF as easy as possible. As a direct filing importer you will simply need to provide us with a Power of Attorney (POA) and payment information. The POA is needed because you will actually borrow our filer code. Since ISF is not considered "Custom's Business" this is exceptable. Next, you can pay via credit card or ACH and you are ready to file.

The sign up process can be done online and we can get you set up in our system in less than 1 day.

Our ISF customer service line is available to our clients at no extra charge along with our monthly user group meetings. ***Another new addition to our customer service is our ISF customer service blog, Jamie Dinan our TRG Direct sales administrator updates this blog with new trends following importer security filing. Access this blog here (whether or not you are a TRG Direct filing customer).

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