□ Why am I getting a “Duplicate” file message?
Someone has already used this bill of lading number to transmit an ISF --- maybe not your shipment. That is why you are getting the “duplicate” file message --- CBP will accept the ISF for the first importer that uses the bill number and will reject any subsequent filings with the same bill number. So, in order to be compliant with the requirements of ISF and if the carrier cannot discover the error on their part, you could request that they issue you a new bill number so that you can correct your ISF filing and retransmit with another bill number. When you receive a reject for your ISF --- it is as if you have not filed the information with CBP.
Unfortunately CBP has not provided the filers with any advice on what to do to try and solve this problem (and for right now, until Jan. 26 --- there will be no penalty for failing to file an ISF). The only advice we can give is for you to work with the Bill issuer to resolve whatever problem is resulting in your filing being rejected by CBP, with the last resort, your insisting that you need a new bill number so that you can file your ISF.
All of your attempts to resolve this duplicate file reject should be maintained in the system “notes” file to assist with any response to an enforcement action that CBP might take for ISF’s filed after January 26th.
□ Do rollover shipments need new ISFs?
If you have some cargo that made the shipment but others that are rolled over, you should update the ISF with the information about the cargo that made the shipment. If the ISF has already been transmitted with a bill of lading (BOL) that is being rolled over, you will need to take that BOL off of that ISF as well and request that a new BOL be issued for the rolled over cargo. You will then create a new ISF for the rolled over cargo with the new bill of lading.
If an entire shipment is rolled over, you will need to update the ISF if any of the information has changed, including the new bill of lading. If the information is exactly the same, then you don’t need to do anything.
It may seem difficult to receive a new BOL for a rolled over shipment, but if you have already transmitted an ISF with that BOL, then you will receive a rejected ISF with a Duplicate ISF Transaction error message because Customs will not accept more than one ISF with the same BOL. This can seem problematic, but this is a situation that every vendor will eventually have to deal with and accommodate.
□ What is an AMS Bill of Lading?
ISF has brought the term “AMS bill of lading” into the importer’s vocabulary, causing even more confusion as to what BOL Customs wants when the importer submits an ISF. The AMS bill of lading is whatever bill of lading is entered into AMS. This is the BOL that you want on your ISF because it is what Customs matches the ISF BOL with the BOL entered into AMS. Even if you believe you import under a house bill or straight bill of lading, it is helpful for you to ask your carrier or freight forwarder for the AMS bill of lading so that you know that your ISF will be matched properly.
□ Why haven’t I received a response from Customs after filing an ISF?
If you have filed an ISF and have not received a timely response from Customs, don’t worry. This occurs when the CBP’s system gets overloaded and overwhelmed. If this happens, don’t fret; your ISFs have been transmitted and Customs will be aware of the hold up. All you can do is sit and wait for the system to clear up.
□ Can I file my ISF early?
TRG Direct recommends filing as soon as you get all of the accurate data elements. However, if you file your Importer Security Filing before the bill of lading is entered into AMS, you will get a No Bill on File message since there is no bill of lading to match it to in AMS. When this happens, the system will cycle the entry through until the bill matches. Filing an ISF as soon as you have the information is a good way to ensure you file timely. The No Bill on File message will not result in a negative result on your progress report. The sooner CBP receives the information the better because this gives them more time to look through the information and screen it.
□ What is an invalid transaction error?
This occurs if somebody attempts to submit an ISF that has already been submitted by a different entity or the information was the same as a deleted ISF. This happens often if you go back and attempt to resubmit an old ISF or if you change your filer code and attempt to resubmit an ISF.
□ Definitions of the Entities (Data Elements).
Importer – The entity that is liable for duties and taxes and that is liable for federal regulations when importing into the United States.
Consignee – The entity on whose account the items are shipped. This is usually the same as the Importer.
Ship To – The name and address that will receive the goods as soon as they clear Customs. This is often the Importer.
Manufacturer – The name and address of the company producing the goods.
Seller – The name and address of the person selling the goods. If they are household goods, this is generally the name and address of the owner. This is often the same as the Manufacturer.
Buyer – The name and address of the entity purchasing the goods. If they are household goods, this is generally the name and address of the owner. This is often the Importer and/or Ship To.
Container Stuffing Location – The name and location of the place where the goods will be stuffed into the container.
Consolidator – The person who arranges for the stuffing of the goods.
HTS – Customs accepts both the 6 and 10 digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule number. It is unnecessary to indicate how many of each item.
Country of Origin – Customs requires the country of where each HTS originated.
Bill of Lading – This is known the hidden 11th element. The lowest bill of lading is required for all ISFs.
□ What are the different ISF transaction types?
A “Compliant Transaction” is used when you are sending 10 accurate ISF data elements. This means you are telling Customs that everything within the ISF is correct (to the best of your knowledge).
“Flexible Range” is used when you are not sure what items will be included in the shipment. If this is the case, you would enter every possible HTS code and file using “Flexible Range.” However, once you receive accurate information, you need to update the ISF before the ship arrives in port. Once you update and retransmit, Customs will consider the ISF a “Compliant Transaction.”
“Flexible Timing” is used when you are unaware of the Consolidator or Stuffing Location. Since these items were not necessary previously, Customs allows you to file your Importer Security Filing under this transaction type without those entities. However, like “Flexible Range,” the ISF must be updated and retransmitted before the ship enters port.
When you file using the Flexible options, you will receive an Accepted with Warnings message and the error message “Complete Transaction Required.” This is to remind you that you need to update the ISF and retransmit it using the Compliant Transaction type 24 hours prior to arrival. The Accepted with Warnings message will appear yellow in the ISF dashboard so it’s easy for you to see that it needs to be updated.
□ How can I possibly get the Bill of Lading Number on time?
CBP has tried hard to let the shipping community know that the bill of lading has to be issued earlier. Some vendors are using the booking number as the bill of lading to rectify this situation. Most importers require the bill of lading at least 48 hours prior to lading. If you don’t receive the BOL before the ship is laden, you will be late. If you are a TRG Direct ISF customer, we have letters that you can send to vendors letting them know that you need the essential data elements early. If they don’t comply, we can go to CBP and have them deal with noncompliant vendors.
□ I have done everything I could to transmit a compliant ISF, but was still unable to do so. How do I let Customs know I tried?
The notes field is a way for customers to make any notes of any peculiarities on a particular ISF. If anything worth noting happens while filing an ISF, it is important that you make a note of it in this field. The notes will not be submitted to Customs, but it is a safety net for you in case you incur any ISF penalties. That way, if CBP attempts to penalize you on an ISF, you can go into your notes field, remind yourself on the circumstances of that particular ISF, and then use it to show Customs that you performed due diligence to file timely and accurately. This can help greatly when trying to mitigate penalties. The notes field can be edited and updated as often as you like.
TRG is an international surety agency providing Customs bonds, marine cargo insurance, and other trade-related products direct to companies that import into the United States. We offer an importer security filing module aka ISF software as a component of our customs entry direct filing system. We are keeping our eye on this regulation and watching our customers successfully file ISF. www.TradeRiskGuaranty.com
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Should I enter container information on my ISF?
It is possible to entry container information into an ISF, but should this be done?
We suggest that it is truly best if container and equipment information is not entered. The container information is not pulled into the customs entry, is not required in either the entry or ISF, and can be more problematic than helpful with the Importer Security Filing. If incorrect information is entered, the ISF can be rejected, which is a problem because a rejected ISF is like not filing an ISF at all.
To have more of your ISF questions answered please send an email to jdinan@trgdirect.com.
We suggest that it is truly best if container and equipment information is not entered. The container information is not pulled into the customs entry, is not required in either the entry or ISF, and can be more problematic than helpful with the Importer Security Filing. If incorrect information is entered, the ISF can be rejected, which is a problem because a rejected ISF is like not filing an ISF at all.
To have more of your ISF questions answered please send an email to jdinan@trgdirect.com.
filing isf,
Importer Security Filing,
trg direct
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
ISF Software User Group Meeting
TRG Direct's next ISF software and direct filing system User Group webinar will be on November 11th at 11am CT.
To register for the webinar please visit: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/300758194
Our webinar is open to our self filing importers as well as prospects looking further into our system. Please mark this on your calendar and plan to attend. Great information comes out of these events!
To register for the webinar please visit: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/300758194
Our webinar is open to our self filing importers as well as prospects looking further into our system. Please mark this on your calendar and plan to attend. Great information comes out of these events!
isf direct filers,
isf self filing,
isf software,
trg direct
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
CBP ISF Trade Outreach is Overseas
In an interview on Friday, Mike Laden announced that the Importer Security Filing CBP Trade Outreach Program will be overseas this week presenting in Germany. This is very exciting for TRG Direct as we have also launched our own series of webinars for overseas vendors.
This is just another wake up call for US Importers that have not yet begun to file their ISF. This is happening. CBP is spending a lot of time and resources to make sure this will go into effect in January so if you have not started to file or are unaware of your compliance thus far, give us a call and we will point you in the right direction, 800-685-6082.
This is just another wake up call for US Importers that have not yet begun to file their ISF. This is happening. CBP is spending a lot of time and resources to make sure this will go into effect in January so if you have not started to file or are unaware of your compliance thus far, give us a call and we will point you in the right direction, 800-685-6082.
Monday, October 26, 2009
TRG Direct President to Present at CBP Trade Symposium
Mike Laden of TRG Direct will presenting at this year's US Customs's Trade Symposium in Importer Security Filing. Mike has been spending a lot of time over the past few months providing his knowledge to the Trade on ISF during CBP's trade outreach program.
Mike's involvement speaks volumes on TRG Direct's knowledge of ISF and CBP's respect for the President of the company. Mike presents as a ISF software solution provider. Other speakers include a self-filing importer and a Customs broker or Carrier.
For more information on CBP's Trade Symposium visit www.cbp.gov.
Mike's involvement speaks volumes on TRG Direct's knowledge of ISF and CBP's respect for the President of the company. Mike presents as a ISF software solution provider. Other speakers include a self-filing importer and a Customs broker or Carrier.
For more information on CBP's Trade Symposium visit www.cbp.gov.
Friday, October 23, 2009
ISF Customs Bond FAQs from CBP
U.S. Customs and Border Protection recently released an updated list of FAQs on their website. You can download a copy of the FAQs here.
Within the FAQs is information on the Customs bond that will need to guarantee the importer security filing. In most cases the importer will have a continuous customs bond already on file and not need to engage in the more complicated ISF bond.
Within the FAQs is information on the Customs bond that will need to guarantee the importer security filing. In most cases the importer will have a continuous customs bond already on file and not need to engage in the more complicated ISF bond.
customs bonds,
Importer Security Filing,
ISF Bond
Monday, October 19, 2009
ISF Direct Filing Customer Service Blog with Jamie Dinan
Jamie Dinan has been running a fabulous blog for our direct filing customers. The blog is dedicated to ISF FAQs and updates. Jamie is a very talented writter and extremely knowledgeable on Importer Security Filing and self-filing.
Here is the link to the blog: http://isfsoftware.wordpress.com/
This is a great resource for customers as well as those importers who are looking into direct filing as a solution for ISF. TRG Direct is completely web-based and requires no start-up fee for filing your ISF. Check out Jamie's blog and let us know if you are interested in a demonstration.
Here is the link to the blog: http://isfsoftware.wordpress.com/
This is a great resource for customers as well as those importers who are looking into direct filing as a solution for ISF. TRG Direct is completely web-based and requires no start-up fee for filing your ISF. Check out Jamie's blog and let us know if you are interested in a demonstration.
Friday, October 16, 2009
10+2 Will be a Topic of Discussion at COAC Meeting
The Advisory Committee on Commercial Operations of U.S. Customsand Border Protection (COAC) will meet on November 4, 2009 in Washington, DC. Themeeting will be open to the public.DATES: COAC will meet Wednesday, November 4, 2009 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Pleasenote that the meeting may close early if the committee completes its business. If youplan on attending, please register either online athttp://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/trade/trade_outreach/coac/, or by e-mail totradeevents@dhs.gov by close-of-business on Friday, October 30, 2009.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
CBP Trade Symposium with Host Session on ISF
This years CBP Trade Symposium will include Importer Security Filing. The sessions are available both online and onsite. TRG will have representatives at the Symposium as well as broadcasting certain sessions at our Bozeman office.
Other topics include:
Trade Policy
Intellectual Property Rights
Importer Security Filing
North American Border Issues
Port Operations
Automated Commercial Environment
Importer Self Assessment
Business Resumption Planning
Interagency Collaboration
The Rulings Process
The onsite registration is available, online registration will be available soon. To keep an eye on registration visit CBP's website.
Other topics include:
Trade Policy
Intellectual Property Rights
Importer Security Filing
North American Border Issues
Port Operations
Automated Commercial Environment
Importer Self Assessment
Business Resumption Planning
Interagency Collaboration
The Rulings Process
The onsite registration is available, online registration will be available soon. To keep an eye on registration visit CBP's website.
cbp trade symposium,
Importer Security Filing,
trg direct
Monday, October 5, 2009
Begin Filing Your ISF Today
We are getting so close to the Jan 26th deadline. As D-Day approaches importers are scrambling to find their compliance solutions. Many importers began filing by using their broker. They said, "I don't have time to deal with this, you deal with it". Now as they begin to review their report card and find that even though their broker is filing, they still are not compliant.
HELP! Frantically importers are looking to other options, some think it is too late to learn how to file in-house, but they are wrong. We have about 3 months to get you up and running and compliant. Let's start today. Atalanta, a direct filer of ISF and customs entries through TRG Direct is 99% compliant after filing ISF in-house after 3 months. It is doable. The most important thing is that CBP sees that you are taking the right steps toward compliance.
Call us today, we can help. 800-685-6082
HELP! Frantically importers are looking to other options, some think it is too late to learn how to file in-house, but they are wrong. We have about 3 months to get you up and running and compliant. Let's start today. Atalanta, a direct filer of ISF and customs entries through TRG Direct is 99% compliant after filing ISF in-house after 3 months. It is doable. The most important thing is that CBP sees that you are taking the right steps toward compliance.
Call us today, we can help. 800-685-6082
Thursday, October 1, 2009
First Vendor Webinar a Success
Last night at 8pm CT we hosted our first ISF vendor compliance webinar. Only about 20% of those who registered for the webinar actually attended, but those who attended participated greatly. We have many great questions and these vendors are taking charge to make filing the ISF on time a reality for their customers.
The webinar was hosted in English, with a Mandarin translation. This same webinar will be posted on our website and sent to those individuals who were unable to attend. This same webinar will be hosted again in 2 weeks.
Next week, we will host our second ISF vendor compliance webinar only the time zone will be changed to include vendors in Europe. Along with the ppts translated into various languages we are also providing templates for the vendors to use which highlights what information needs to be given to the US importer and at which date.
We are very pleased with this first webinar. Thanks to those who attended.
The webinar was hosted in English, with a Mandarin translation. This same webinar will be posted on our website and sent to those individuals who were unable to attend. This same webinar will be hosted again in 2 weeks.
Next week, we will host our second ISF vendor compliance webinar only the time zone will be changed to include vendors in Europe. Along with the ppts translated into various languages we are also providing templates for the vendors to use which highlights what information needs to be given to the US importer and at which date.
We are very pleased with this first webinar. Thanks to those who attended.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Help! ISF Vendor Compliance Program

Calling all TRG Direct ISF self-filers! We are hosting a series of vendor compliance webinars to engage them in ISF.The webinar will include
A background on ISF
An in depth look at the 10 elements,
US Importers &contractual relationships
A vendor’s role in the Importer Security Filing
Processes as a supplier
Questions & Answers
Calling all TRG Direct ISF self-filers! We are hosting a series of vendor compliance webinars to engage them in ISF.The webinar will include A background on ISF, An in depth look at the 10 elements, US Importers &contractual relationships A vendor’s role in the Importer Security Filing Processes as a supplier, Questions & Answers.
isf self filing,
trg direct,
vendor compliance
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
ISF Outreach Program l TRG Direct President Participates

TRG Direct President Mike Laden has been taking part in the US Customs' ISF Trade Outreach programs. As an expert in international trade security and supply chain management, Mike has been asked to be involved as a presenter. The following dates are still available for those involved in importer security filing to attend:
Chicago, IL – Wednesday, September 23, 2009 (On-line Registration opens September 4, 2009)( Chicago Registration ) ( Chicago Cancellation )
Oakland/San Francisco, CA – Wednesday, September 23, 2009 (On-line Registration opens September 4, 2009)( Oakland/San Francisco Registration ) ( Oakland/San Francisco Cancellation )
Washington, DC - Friday, September 25, 2009 (On-line Registration opens September 4, 2009)( Washington Registration ) ( Washington Cancellation )
Norfolk, VA – Wednesday, September 30, 2009 (On-line Registration opens September 14, 2009)( Norfolk Registration ) ( Norfolk Cancellation )
Newark, NJ – Wednesday, September 30, 2009 (On-line Registration opens September 14, 2009)( Newark Registration ) ( Newark Cancellation )
Importer Security Filing,
isf outreach,
mike laden,
trg direct
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
ISF User Group Meeting 9-9-09
TRG Direct just wrapped up another ISF user group meeting. With an outstanding attendence, our customers came prepared with great questions.
Download the audio from TRG Direct's user group meeting. As a teaser... here are a few questions that were asked today. Get the answers online!
Download the audio from TRG Direct's user group meeting. As a teaser... here are a few questions that were asked today. Get the answers online!
- "When I get a an acceptance for my Importer Security Filing and also the Bill of lading is on file, then the shipping line informs me that they left out the containers out of the vessel so the ETA and ETD will be different while the Bill of lading number will be the same, do I have to re-submit my ISF form because of the information that has been changed?"
- "Can you please confirm that the carrier used in ISF is the vessel owner and not the owner of MBL."
- "When creating an ISF and using an ISF template, can the template be updated from the ISF screen?"
Importer Security Filing,
isf template,
trg direct
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Importer Security Filing
Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
Importer Security Filing
View more presentations from Jena Leary.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
ISF Trade Outreach Program Says FILE FILE FILE
Mike Laden, President TRG Direct attended an East Coast CBP trade outreach program last week and reports that Customs says you must be filing. There are still so many skeptics out there saying that January 2010 will not be the deadline for ISF. However, Rich Dinucci has reported that over 2million ISFs have been filed and the trade is making progress.
One startling thing that has come up in a few conversations with importers is that the Customs Reauthorization Bill has language that hints that the ISF may be used for compartive purposes, such as the data being available to other Government Agencies for pre-screening purposes. At this point this is speculation so don't quote us on that. Just be aware.
Stayed tuned to keep updated on importer security filing or contact us with your ISF questions.
One startling thing that has come up in a few conversations with importers is that the Customs Reauthorization Bill has language that hints that the ISF may be used for compartive purposes, such as the data being available to other Government Agencies for pre-screening purposes. At this point this is speculation so don't quote us on that. Just be aware.
Stayed tuned to keep updated on importer security filing or contact us with your ISF questions.
Importer Security Filing,
mike laden,
trg direct
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Easy Application Process for Direct Filing ISF
TRG Direct will make the transition into self-filing ISF as easy as possible. As a direct filing importer you will simply need to provide us with a Power of Attorney (POA) and payment information. The POA is needed because you will actually borrow our filer code. Since ISF is not considered "Custom's Business" this is exceptable. Next, you can pay via credit card or ACH and you are ready to file.
The sign up process can be done online and we can get you set up in our system in less than 1 day.
Our ISF customer service line is available to our clients at no extra charge along with our monthly user group meetings. ***Another new addition to our customer service is our ISF customer service blog, Jamie Dinan our TRG Direct sales administrator updates this blog with new trends following importer security filing. Access this blog here (whether or not you are a TRG Direct filing customer).
The sign up process can be done online and we can get you set up in our system in less than 1 day.
Our ISF customer service line is available to our clients at no extra charge along with our monthly user group meetings. ***Another new addition to our customer service is our ISF customer service blog, Jamie Dinan our TRG Direct sales administrator updates this blog with new trends following importer security filing. Access this blog here (whether or not you are a TRG Direct filing customer).
Monday, August 31, 2009
World Customs Organization Conference 2009

A two-day conference focusing on the future of facilitation for low-risk operators and the use of multilateral standards within the international supply chain.
This conference and exhibition will provide an ideal business opportunity to learn about the latest trade-related regulatory initiatives of the world’s major trading nations, whether under the banner of the WCO SAFE Framework, E-Customs, export control regimes, or Integrated Border Management.
Senior government officials, leaders of trade-focused advocacy groups from many countries, and corporate executives from six continents will exchange views on global trade initiatives, identify opportunities for innovation and positive change, and meet a global mix of potential partners and associates with a shared interest in trade facilitation, and improving effective cross-border regulation and supply chain management.
Learn from globally recognized experts, Share your views and experiences with key decision makers: let your opinion be heard!
We Look Forward to Seeing You in Seattle!For further details visit the conference
world customs forum,
world customs organization
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
ISF Vendor & Supplier Compliance
Are you still contemplating how to establish and enforce the advanced data reporting requirements under Importer Security Filing? Like preparing for a 400-meter relay, good communication and training is imperative, especially with something like this that carries stiff monetary penalties or that could result in a “Do Not Load” message next January and requires significant change to the current methods in place for centuries. Is your supply chain ready to hand off your ISF baton?
Importer Security Filing Preparation
To reinforce the necessity for the ten (10) ISF data (excluding the bill of lading number, called the “phantom eleventh”) elements, we strongly suggests that you consider amending your purchase order or other contractual agreements used in the transaction to require the vendor or supplier’s compliance with ISF requirements. Some importers are also adding conditions to financial instruments like letters of credit. Placing such language in your contractual documents could prove to be a mitigating factor if CBP issues you a penalty for untimely or inaccurate data after January 2010.
We also suggest that you contact and closely coordinate activities with the ocean carriers, NVOCC’s and freight forwarders that participate in your import program. Meetings between your supplier base and the carrier(s) at origin should be implemented for purposes of ironing out new protocols and procedures for issuing the bill of lading number in advance. Most major ocean carriers (Maersk, APL/NOL, Evergreen, Hanjin, NYK, K-Line, OOCL and others) are well informed on ISF; therefore, if leveraged properly, their overseas offices can assist you with educating your vendor and supplier base. We recommend that you contact your US-based carrier representative and request their overseas offices engage problematic vendors or otherwise help you communicate this new requirement.
If your ISF baton is dropped between transfers, immediate disqualification may occur. Some importers are instituting vendor penalties through their vendor compliance programs to incentivize compliance and to help offset the potential cost of CBP penalties levied against the importer.
Suggested Notifications For Your Suppliers & Vendors
It seems that the two most troubling situations for importers right now are the inability to get the bill of lading number in advance and/or lack of suppliers and vendors.
If you are currently direct filing with TRG Direct, you can access these letters within your account under Resources. Suggested reading or attachments to your correspondence might include an Adobe copy of CBP Interim Final Rule (Federal Register Notice), copies of your new company polices or procedures, copies of other publications concerning ISF, and/or letters underscoring the importance and their support for the initiative from Senior Management.Our ISF direct filing customers are free to use our suggested language or some variation thereof for their company or particular situation in an effort to get compliance with their ISF program; of course, the tone can also be adjusted according to personal preferences and corporate culture.
Importer Security Filing Preparation
To reinforce the necessity for the ten (10) ISF data (excluding the bill of lading number, called the “phantom eleventh”) elements, we strongly suggests that you consider amending your purchase order or other contractual agreements used in the transaction to require the vendor or supplier’s compliance with ISF requirements. Some importers are also adding conditions to financial instruments like letters of credit. Placing such language in your contractual documents could prove to be a mitigating factor if CBP issues you a penalty for untimely or inaccurate data after January 2010.
We also suggest that you contact and closely coordinate activities with the ocean carriers, NVOCC’s and freight forwarders that participate in your import program. Meetings between your supplier base and the carrier(s) at origin should be implemented for purposes of ironing out new protocols and procedures for issuing the bill of lading number in advance. Most major ocean carriers (Maersk, APL/NOL, Evergreen, Hanjin, NYK, K-Line, OOCL and others) are well informed on ISF; therefore, if leveraged properly, their overseas offices can assist you with educating your vendor and supplier base. We recommend that you contact your US-based carrier representative and request their overseas offices engage problematic vendors or otherwise help you communicate this new requirement.
If your ISF baton is dropped between transfers, immediate disqualification may occur. Some importers are instituting vendor penalties through their vendor compliance programs to incentivize compliance and to help offset the potential cost of CBP penalties levied against the importer.
Suggested Notifications For Your Suppliers & Vendors
It seems that the two most troubling situations for importers right now are the inability to get the bill of lading number in advance and/or lack of suppliers and vendors.
If you are currently direct filing with TRG Direct, you can access these letters within your account under Resources. Suggested reading or attachments to your correspondence might include an Adobe copy of CBP Interim Final Rule (Federal Register Notice), copies of your new company polices or procedures, copies of other publications concerning ISF, and/or letters underscoring the importance and their support for the initiative from Senior Management.Our ISF direct filing customers are free to use our suggested language or some variation thereof for their company or particular situation in an effort to get compliance with their ISF program; of course, the tone can also be adjusted according to personal preferences and corporate culture.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Importer Security Filing Webinar
TRG Direct offers a self-filing application for importer security filing. Join us in a discussion on the new requirements and learn how you can decrease your costs and increase your control by brining this in-house. We will demonstrate our ISF software and show you how easily you can file an ISF.
Register for TRG Direct's upcoming ISF webinar series. Advanced registration is required and can be done by following the links below.
August 26th 11AM CT https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/160213243
Sept 2nd 11AM CT https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/553106835
Sept 16th 11AM CT https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/723325202
If you are unable to attend one of the times above, please contact Jena Leary, 847-756-7553 or jleary@trgdirect.com to schedule a personlized consult.
Register for TRG Direct's upcoming ISF webinar series. Advanced registration is required and can be done by following the links below.
August 26th 11AM CT https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/160213243
Sept 2nd 11AM CT https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/553106835
Sept 16th 11AM CT https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/723325202
If you are unable to attend one of the times above, please contact Jena Leary, 847-756-7553 or jleary@trgdirect.com to schedule a personlized consult.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Importer Security Filing Background
10+2 Importer Security Filing
For the 40% of importers subject to ISF, that have not been filing here is a background on the regulation.
The Importer Security Filing (ISF), also known 10+2, is a new US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulation requiring importers and vessel carriers to provide advance data elements electronically to CBP for non-bulk cargo shipments in-bound into the United States by vessel. The focus of this initiative is to improve CBP's ability to recognize high-risk shipments in advance to ensure the safety of America's borders. ISF went into effect January 26th 2009. As a resident or non-resident US importer, or as one of their suppliers, are you prepared to provide the required Importer Security Filing elements 24 hours prior to vessel lading? If you are not doing this today, you may be in non-compliance with the new requirements.
Importer (10)
Ship to Name & Address
Importer of Record #
Consignee #
6 Digit Commodity #
Manufacturer Name & Address
Seller Name & Address
Container Stuffing Location
Consolidator Name & Address
Buyer Name & Address
Country of Origin of the Goods
Carrier (2)
Vessel Stow Plan
Container Status Message Data
For the 40% of importers subject to ISF, that have not been filing here is a background on the regulation.
The Importer Security Filing (ISF), also known 10+2, is a new US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulation requiring importers and vessel carriers to provide advance data elements electronically to CBP for non-bulk cargo shipments in-bound into the United States by vessel. The focus of this initiative is to improve CBP's ability to recognize high-risk shipments in advance to ensure the safety of America's borders. ISF went into effect January 26th 2009. As a resident or non-resident US importer, or as one of their suppliers, are you prepared to provide the required Importer Security Filing elements 24 hours prior to vessel lading? If you are not doing this today, you may be in non-compliance with the new requirements.
Importer (10)
Ship to Name & Address
Importer of Record #
Consignee #
6 Digit Commodity #
Manufacturer Name & Address
Seller Name & Address
Container Stuffing Location
Consolidator Name & Address
Buyer Name & Address
Country of Origin of the Goods
Carrier (2)
Vessel Stow Plan
Container Status Message Data
Thursday, August 20, 2009
ISF Progress Reports l Second Round Released

CBP has released the second set of Importer Security Filing (ISF) progress reports. These reports contain data ranging from 5/19/09 through 8/06/09 and was generated by CBP according to their criteria. TRG Direct, a leading provider of web-based software for ISF and consumption entry filing, noted that an importer’s progress with their importer security filing program prior to a violation will be a major mitigating factor come the penalty phase. Importers are able to request their ISF progress report direct from U.S. Customs or they will receive a copy from the party filing on their behalf. This report is helping many companies adjust their business processes as problems arise during this phase of ISF.
For those companies who have been hesitant to react to importer security filing, stiff monetary penalties will be the result. The mitigation guidelines were posted in Customs’ Bulletin & Decisions in mid-July. After the announcement of a $5,000 penalty for non-compliance, TRG Direct experienced a jump in new filers. Many importers that have relied on their broker or a different, less user friendly system have come to the company in hopes of increasing accuracy and timeliness of their ISF. Cost effective solutions that will help the importer to comply are available and importers can start filing right away. http://www.trgdirect.com/
Direct filing importers are working closely with their software providers, such as TRG Direct, to fully understand their progress report and determine what changes, if any need to be made. One such result from review of an Importer Security Filing report card is the implementation of vendor and supplier compliance programs. "It seems that the two most troubling situations for importers right now are the inability to get the bill of lading number in advance and/or lack of suppliers and vendors compliance," noted Mike Laden, President, TRG Direct, "In response we have created suggested notifications for our customers to use in correspondence with their overseas partners. We have seen quite an improvement by our filers".
About TRG Direct
Founded in 1991, TRG was ultimately committed to providing international traders the best possible option for U.S. Customs Bonds and Marine Cargo Insurance. After substantial growth, TRG recognized the need for a more economical option for importers to process their entry clearance. With that TRG Direct was born as a way for international traders to file their consumption entry with U.S. Customs in-house. Committed to addressing other needs of the industry, TRG Direct expanded its services to offer direct filing of ISF in addition to the entry.
TRG Direct consists of industry experts committed to developing related products that enhance the simplicity, safety and economics of international trading. The extensive background of the team consists of 25 years of Customs ABI development, 25 years underwriting Customs bonds and 30 years in supply chain security management. For more information, please visit http://www.trgdirect.com/.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Understanding Your ISF Report Card
Importer Security Filing Progress Reports
U.S. Customs has released the second set of importer security filing report cards. This batch contains data from 5/19/09 through 8/06/09 and was generated by CBP according to their criteria. Please review your report carefully.
You will notice on this report that CBP has added a “Message Action” column that either shows “Add” or “Replace”. Add is the first ISF transmission which is measured as “accepted” or “rejected” –
Replace is any subsequent transmission again which is “accepted” or “rejected”. When reviewing your report you should also pay special attention to the Timeliness Performance. It is our opinion that if your company has a less than 50% timeliness rating, that some investigation is necessary and you should be working closely with supply chain stakeholders to improve processes and timely reporting of information.
The next TRG Direct User’s Group will continue to explore and discuss best practices among TRG Direct clients and the most recent series of reports. We encourage you to join us for these lively and informative sessions. The next User’s Group meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 9th at 11:00 am central time. Advanced registration is required and can be accomplished by visiting the following link:
If you have general questions concerning your report or the data contained in it please contact us at customerservice@trgdirect.com. If you have specific questions related to the report please contact CBP directly at progress_report@cbp.dhs.gov.
U.S. Customs has released the second set of importer security filing report cards. This batch contains data from 5/19/09 through 8/06/09 and was generated by CBP according to their criteria. Please review your report carefully.
You will notice on this report that CBP has added a “Message Action” column that either shows “Add” or “Replace”. Add is the first ISF transmission which is measured as “accepted” or “rejected” –
Replace is any subsequent transmission again which is “accepted” or “rejected”. When reviewing your report you should also pay special attention to the Timeliness Performance. It is our opinion that if your company has a less than 50% timeliness rating, that some investigation is necessary and you should be working closely with supply chain stakeholders to improve processes and timely reporting of information.
The next TRG Direct User’s Group will continue to explore and discuss best practices among TRG Direct clients and the most recent series of reports. We encourage you to join us for these lively and informative sessions. The next User’s Group meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 9th at 11:00 am central time. Advanced registration is required and can be accomplished by visiting the following link:
If you have general questions concerning your report or the data contained in it please contact us at customerservice@trgdirect.com. If you have specific questions related to the report please contact CBP directly at progress_report@cbp.dhs.gov.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

CBP Trade Outreach - Register Today
CBP is hosting trade outreach events in various locations around the country to provide the trade community with an opportunity to learn more about the new Importer Security Filing and Additional Carrier Requirements (a.k.a. ISF/”10+2”) interim final rule. These events are intended to give the importing and filing community a basic understanding of how to fulfill the new requirements. Space is limited so please pre-register using the CBP on-line registration process.
August:Philadelphia, PA - Wednesday August 19, 2009 (On-Line Registration opens August 3, 2009)( Philadelphia Registration ) ( Philadelphia Cancellation )
Seattle/Tacoma, WA - Wednesday August 19, 2009 (On-line Registration opens August 3, 2009)( Seattle Registration ) ( Seattle Cancellation )
Boston, MA - Wednesday August 26, 2009 (On-line Registration opens August 10, 2009)( Boston Registration ) ( Boston Cancellation )
Houston, TX - Wednesday August 26, 2009 (On-line Registration opens August 10, 2009)( Houston Registation ) ( Houston Cancellation )
September:Baltimore, MD – Wednesday, September 02, 2009 (On-line Registration opens August 17,2009)( Baltimore Registration ) ( Baltimore Cancellation )
Long Beach, CA – Wednesday, September 02, 2009 (On-line Registration opens August 17,2009)( Long Beach Registration ) ( Long Beach Cancellation )
Miami, FL – Wednesday, September 09, 2009 (On-line Registration opens August 24, 2009)( Miami Registration ) ( Miami Cancellation )
Charleston, SC – Wednesday, September 09, 2009 (On-line Registration opens August 24, 2009)( Charleston Registration ) ( Charleston Cancellation )
Chicago, IL – Wednesday, September 23, 2009 (On-line Registration opens September 4, 2009)( Chicago Registration ) ( Chicago Cancellation )
Oakland/San Francisco, CA – Wednesday, September 23, 2009 (On-line Registration opens September 4, 2009)( Oakland/San Francisco Registration ) ( Oakland/San Francisco Cancellation )
Washington, DC - Friday, September 25, 2009 (On-line Registration opens September 4, 2009)( Washington Registration ) ( Washington Cancellation )
Norfolk, VA – Wednesday, September 30, 2009 (On-line Registration opens September 14, 2009)( Norfolk Registration ) ( Norfolk Cancellation )
Newark, NJ – Wednesday, September 30, 2009 (On-line Registration opens September 14, 2009)( Newark Registration ) ( Newark Cancellation )
Monday, August 10, 2009
Importer Security Filing Software Demo
TRG Direct is a web-based importer security filing software. View this demonstration of our system or contact us today for a private demonstration of our system.

Or sign up for our FREE WEBINAR:
August 12th 11AM CT https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/847719883
August 26th 11AM CT https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/160213243
Sept 2nd 11AM CT https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/553106835
Sept 16th 11AM CT https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/723325202
August 26th 11AM CT https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/160213243
Sept 2nd 11AM CT https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/553106835
Sept 16th 11AM CT https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/723325202
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
10+2 ISF Webinar - Register Now
Sign up for TRG Direct's Importer Security Filing Webinar
Next Available Dates:
July 29th 11 AM CT https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/959358442
August 12th 11AM CT https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/847719883
Space is filling up fast so register now!!
If you are unable to make these times, please call us (847-756-7553) to scheduled a personalized demonstration or view our online demo.
Next Available Dates:
July 29th 11 AM CT https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/959358442
August 12th 11AM CT https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/847719883
Space is filling up fast so register now!!
If you are unable to make these times, please call us (847-756-7553) to scheduled a personalized demonstration or view our online demo.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Importer Security Filing Compliance
Are you still contemplating how to establish and enforce advanced data reporting requirements under Importer Security Filing? Like preparing for a 400 Meter Relay, good communication and training is imperative; especially with something like this that carries stiff monetary penalties or could result in a "Do Not Load" message next January and requires significant change to the current methods in place for centries. Is your supply chain ready to hand off your ISF Baton?
Importer Security Filing Preparation
To reinforce the necessity for the ten (10) ISF data (excluding the bill of lading, number called the "phantom eleventh") elements, we strongly suggest that you consider amending your purchase order or other contractual agreements used in the transaction to require the vendor of supplier's compliance with ISF requirements. Some importers are also adding conditions to financial instruments like letter of credit. Placing such language in your contractual documents could prove to be a mitigation factor if CBP issues you a penalty for untimely or inaccurate data after January 2010.
We also suggest that you contact and closely coordinate activities with your ocean carriers, NVOCC's and freight forwarders participating in your import program. Meetings should be initiated between your supplier base and the carrier(s) at origin for purposes of ironing out new protocols and procedures for issuing the bill of lading number in advance. Since most major ocean carriers (Maersk, APL/NOL, Evergreen, Hanjim, NYK, K-Line, OOCL and others) are well informed on ISF; therefore if leveraged properly, their overseas offices can assist you with educating your vendor and supplier base. We recommend that you contact your US based carrier representative and request their overseas ofices engage problematic vendors or otherwise help you communicate this new requirement.
If your ISF Baton is dropped between transers, immediate disqualification may occur. Some imprters are instituting vendor penalties through their vendor compliance programs to incentivize compliance and to help offset the potential cost of CBP penalties levied against the importer.
Suggested Notifications for Your Suppliers & Vendors
It seems that the two most troubling situations for importer right now are the inability to get the bill of lading number in advance and/or lack of cooperation by suppliers and vendors. To that end, TRG Direct has developed recommended notifications for TRG Direct filers to send to suppliers and vendors. If you are currently direct filing with TRG Direct you can access these letters within your account under Resources. Suggested reading or attachments to your correspondence might include an Adobe copy of CBP Interim Final Rule (Federal Register Notice), copies of your new company policies or procedures, copies of other publications concerning ISF, and/or letters underscoring the importance and the support for the initiative from Senior Management.
Our ISF direct filing customers are free to use our suggested language or some variation thereor adapted for their company or particualr situatio in an effort to get compliance with their ISF program; of course the tone can also be adjusted according to personal preferences and corporate culture.
Sign Up Today!
Are you still contemplating how to establish and enforce advanced data reporting requirements under Importer Security Filing? Like preparing for a 400 Meter Relay, good communication and training is imperative; especially with something like this that carries stiff monetary penalties or could result in a "Do Not Load" message next January and requires significant change to the current methods in place for centries. Is your supply chain ready to hand off your ISF Baton?
Importer Security Filing Preparation
To reinforce the necessity for the ten (10) ISF data (excluding the bill of lading, number called the "phantom eleventh") elements, we strongly suggest that you consider amending your purchase order or other contractual agreements used in the transaction to require the vendor of supplier's compliance with ISF requirements. Some importers are also adding conditions to financial instruments like letter of credit. Placing such language in your contractual documents could prove to be a mitigation factor if CBP issues you a penalty for untimely or inaccurate data after January 2010.
We also suggest that you contact and closely coordinate activities with your ocean carriers, NVOCC's and freight forwarders participating in your import program. Meetings should be initiated between your supplier base and the carrier(s) at origin for purposes of ironing out new protocols and procedures for issuing the bill of lading number in advance. Since most major ocean carriers (Maersk, APL/NOL, Evergreen, Hanjim, NYK, K-Line, OOCL and others) are well informed on ISF; therefore if leveraged properly, their overseas offices can assist you with educating your vendor and supplier base. We recommend that you contact your US based carrier representative and request their overseas ofices engage problematic vendors or otherwise help you communicate this new requirement.
If your ISF Baton is dropped between transers, immediate disqualification may occur. Some imprters are instituting vendor penalties through their vendor compliance programs to incentivize compliance and to help offset the potential cost of CBP penalties levied against the importer.
Suggested Notifications for Your Suppliers & Vendors
It seems that the two most troubling situations for importer right now are the inability to get the bill of lading number in advance and/or lack of cooperation by suppliers and vendors. To that end, TRG Direct has developed recommended notifications for TRG Direct filers to send to suppliers and vendors. If you are currently direct filing with TRG Direct you can access these letters within your account under Resources. Suggested reading or attachments to your correspondence might include an Adobe copy of CBP Interim Final Rule (Federal Register Notice), copies of your new company policies or procedures, copies of other publications concerning ISF, and/or letters underscoring the importance and the support for the initiative from Senior Management.
Our ISF direct filing customers are free to use our suggested language or some variation thereor adapted for their company or particualr situatio in an effort to get compliance with their ISF program; of course the tone can also be adjusted according to personal preferences and corporate culture.
Sign Up Today!
Importer Security Filing,
isf direct filing,
trg direct
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
We are nearing the 11th hour of Importer Security Filing. The mitigation guidelines were published in Cusoms BUlletin & Decisions on July 17th. At this time reality is setting in for many importers who have not prepared for this very serious regulation with stiff monetary penalties.
6 Months Down 6 More To Go
Rich DiNucci, Director, Secure Freight Initiative, recentrly presented statistics on the industry's compliance over the first six months of the ISF implementation phase. Customs and Border Protection has received 1.4 million ISFs from 57,000 importers. Of these fiings 46% have been timely. Is your company on of the 57,000? If so, keep it up, CBP will recognize your effort and you will be rewarded. If not, call TRG Direct today and we can get you set up with an ISF direct filing program within days. Face the facts, your progress during this probationary period will be a factor next January when fines/penalties come into play.
ISF Liquidated Damages
Four factors that may cause a loss of integrity in the ISF may result in liquedated damages. These include; failure to submit, late submission, failure to update or failure to withdraw. Penaltry amounts will be assessed as $5,000 per ISF transmission up to $10,000. The first and second vioations made by the company may be forgiven for less than the $5,000 penalty.
6 Mitigation Factos
There will be six mitigation factors used to determine the strength of the liquidated damages and whether or not the penalties are dismissed.
1. Progress of the importer's ISF program,
2. Percentage of ISFs containing violations,
3. Tier 2 & 3 C-TPAT members will receive consideration up to 50%,
4. Action taken by the importer after a violation has occurred,
5. Circumstances beyond the importer's control,
6. Inaccurate information received by another party within the supply chain.
It's Not Too Late. Your ISF Solution is Here.
Become a direct filing partner with TRG Direct to take control of your ISF. We can get you up and filing within days and help guide you through this new regulation. Let us help you develop a successful direct filing program and prove to CBP you are committed to compliance. Not only is TRG Direct the most user friendly system available, you can filed your ISF for onloy $3 - $5.
6 Months Down 6 More To Go
Rich DiNucci, Director, Secure Freight Initiative, recentrly presented statistics on the industry's compliance over the first six months of the ISF implementation phase. Customs and Border Protection has received 1.4 million ISFs from 57,000 importers. Of these fiings 46% have been timely. Is your company on of the 57,000? If so, keep it up, CBP will recognize your effort and you will be rewarded. If not, call TRG Direct today and we can get you set up with an ISF direct filing program within days. Face the facts, your progress during this probationary period will be a factor next January when fines/penalties come into play.
ISF Liquidated Damages
Four factors that may cause a loss of integrity in the ISF may result in liquedated damages. These include; failure to submit, late submission, failure to update or failure to withdraw. Penaltry amounts will be assessed as $5,000 per ISF transmission up to $10,000. The first and second vioations made by the company may be forgiven for less than the $5,000 penalty.
6 Mitigation Factos
There will be six mitigation factors used to determine the strength of the liquidated damages and whether or not the penalties are dismissed.
1. Progress of the importer's ISF program,
2. Percentage of ISFs containing violations,
3. Tier 2 & 3 C-TPAT members will receive consideration up to 50%,
4. Action taken by the importer after a violation has occurred,
5. Circumstances beyond the importer's control,
6. Inaccurate information received by another party within the supply chain.
It's Not Too Late. Your ISF Solution is Here.
Become a direct filing partner with TRG Direct to take control of your ISF. We can get you up and filing within days and help guide you through this new regulation. Let us help you develop a successful direct filing program and prove to CBP you are committed to compliance. Not only is TRG Direct the most user friendly system available, you can filed your ISF for onloy $3 - $5.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Importer Security Filing for Carnets
A quick blurb on Importer Security Filing for Carnets
As of January 26th, 2009, if you have goods moving by ocean transport on a future carnet, or goods returning to the US on an already-issued carnet, you are required to make an Importer Security Filing prior to re-import into the U.S. The Importer Security Filing (ISF aka 10+2) requires certain shipment data to be provided to CBP 24 hours prior to the goods being loaded on the ship departing the overseas port and bound for the U.S.*
ISF Solution for Carnet Users:
Corporation for International Business offers an ISF Direct-Filing Module. Using the ISF Direct-Filing module will allow carnet holders to provide the required information directly to CBP for a modest fee, without using the services of an agent, Freight Forwarder or, Customs House Broker. Contact the ISF Carnet HelpLine at 877-227-6387 for additional information.
For more information contact the Corporation for International Business, a partner in TRG Direct.
As of January 26th, 2009, if you have goods moving by ocean transport on a future carnet, or goods returning to the US on an already-issued carnet, you are required to make an Importer Security Filing prior to re-import into the U.S. The Importer Security Filing (ISF aka 10+2) requires certain shipment data to be provided to CBP 24 hours prior to the goods being loaded on the ship departing the overseas port and bound for the U.S.*
ISF Solution for Carnet Users:
Corporation for International Business offers an ISF Direct-Filing Module. Using the ISF Direct-Filing module will allow carnet holders to provide the required information directly to CBP for a modest fee, without using the services of an agent, Freight Forwarder or, Customs House Broker. Contact the ISF Carnet HelpLine at 877-227-6387 for additional information.
For more information contact the Corporation for International Business, a partner in TRG Direct.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Importer Security Filing Report Cards
It´s graduation day January 2010 where do you find yourself? Has U.S. Customs voted you valedictorian, a roll model to all ISF filers, or will you be sitting in the stands watching your colleagues receive their diplomas? If you haven´t been putting forth your good faith effort to file your ISF you will be starting back at square one fighting to catch up.
ISF Report Cards - Click here to see an example.
U.S. Customs is providing ISF report cards to importers who request them. This is to be used as an educational tool for reflection on the ISFs filed by the importer. Since we are still in a non penalty phase ISF filers should be using this report to understand the timeliness and accuracy of their filings. I suggest importers take of this offer to help yourself prepare for graduation. To register for your ISF report please send an email to U.S. Customs at progress_report@cbp.dhs.gov.
The email should include:
Filer´s corporate name
Filer code used for filing ISF
Point of Contact
Point of Contact´s telephone number
If you are a self filer, filing under another company's filer code, the ISF system administrators should have requested this on your behalf. There´s Still Time to Flip Your Tassel & Self FileI mporter Security Filing has been in effect for 4 months now. Many ISF self-filers have been filing ISF since day 1. There is still plenty of time to start filing before the penalty phase begins. Most systems can get you up and filing in less than 2 days. Whether you decide to direct file or not, you should weigh all your options. Just like choosing which college university to attend after graduation you want to pick the right option for you.
Pushing It - Advanced Placement Classes for ImportersNow that your filing your ISF you can save even more time and more money on your consumption entry. Using the same system to file both entries you can "push" the repetitive information from your ISF to your consumption entry. Systems like TRG Direct have added this ability to filter information for thier customers. Once you file your ISF in-house, why not file the shipment´s consumption entry as well?
ISF Report Cards - Click here to see an example.
U.S. Customs is providing ISF report cards to importers who request them. This is to be used as an educational tool for reflection on the ISFs filed by the importer. Since we are still in a non penalty phase ISF filers should be using this report to understand the timeliness and accuracy of their filings. I suggest importers take of this offer to help yourself prepare for graduation. To register for your ISF report please send an email to U.S. Customs at progress_report@cbp.dhs.gov.
The email should include:
Filer´s corporate name
Filer code used for filing ISF
Point of Contact
Point of Contact´s telephone number
If you are a self filer, filing under another company's filer code, the ISF system administrators should have requested this on your behalf. There´s Still Time to Flip Your Tassel & Self FileI mporter Security Filing has been in effect for 4 months now. Many ISF self-filers have been filing ISF since day 1. There is still plenty of time to start filing before the penalty phase begins. Most systems can get you up and filing in less than 2 days. Whether you decide to direct file or not, you should weigh all your options. Just like choosing which college university to attend after graduation you want to pick the right option for you.
Pushing It - Advanced Placement Classes for ImportersNow that your filing your ISF you can save even more time and more money on your consumption entry. Using the same system to file both entries you can "push" the repetitive information from your ISF to your consumption entry. Systems like TRG Direct have added this ability to filter information for thier customers. Once you file your ISF in-house, why not file the shipment´s consumption entry as well?
Importer Security Filing,
isf report card,
isf self-filer
Thursday, May 21, 2009
TRG Direct Website Got a Makeover
TRG has been growing fast especially with the new Importer Security Filing regulations only 8 months away from implementation. With this quick growth TRG Direct decided to get a new look. The website design was done by 123 Triad, a company based in North Carolina. The look is modern and fun. But, don't let that fool you. The website is content rich with tons of useful information on importer security filing and direct filing.
Go check it out and let us know what you think. Maybe you'll like it so much you'll just have to start direct filing with us. Suggestions are always welcome. Soon enough the TRG website will be revamped too!
Go check it out and let us know what you think. Maybe you'll like it so much you'll just have to start direct filing with us. Suggestions are always welcome. Soon enough the TRG website will be revamped too!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Importer Security Filing & Your Good Faith Effort
10+2 Importer Security Filing has been under way since January 26th and U.S. Customs expects as an importer (of ocean cargo) that you are putting forward a "good faith effort" to file. A good faith effort can be defined in many ways. In this case you should be filing. Even though we are in a non penalty phase, filing now will help your company avoid the $5,000 non compliance penalty come Jan 26th 2010. The costs of filing this year will not compare to the costs of penalties next year.
So what has the industry been seeing?
The actual implementation of Importer Security Filing didn´t cause a much of a disturbance to those who put their best foot forward and filed away. What some importers did notice was that there were a few errors with matching the bill of lading. Yes, the bill of lading is required in order to match the importer´s ISF with the carrier´s ISF.A semi-tricky part to the entry is data collection. Making sure you have the information you need 24 prior to vessel lading.
How are importers filing?
Web-based ISF systems allow you to set up your vendors with certain rights in your account where they can actually enter their portion of the data. This makes it easier to collect everything you need and stores the information in the ISF until it ready to be sent to Customs for review. How do importers file?There are many programs available for importers to file their ISF. Not all but many are extremely economically priced. Systems such as TRG Direct offer a Web-based solution that doesn´t but an economic strain on companies who are learning how to file.
Search google.com and you will see just about every 10+2 ISF solution competitor. Simple research and a demonstration of the system will show you exactly which application is best for you. Maybe you don´t expect to file many ISF, let´s say less than 50 a year. In this case it probably is better to leave this to your U.S. Customs broker. Wait, as long as they aren´t charging you a heinous amount for each ISF or applying large set up fees. Because the truth is an ISF filing is not that difficult. Now that the industry has a taste of ISF, we see it´s really not so bad. That is as long as you aren´t over paying for this transaction.
So what has the industry been seeing?
The actual implementation of Importer Security Filing didn´t cause a much of a disturbance to those who put their best foot forward and filed away. What some importers did notice was that there were a few errors with matching the bill of lading. Yes, the bill of lading is required in order to match the importer´s ISF with the carrier´s ISF.A semi-tricky part to the entry is data collection. Making sure you have the information you need 24 prior to vessel lading.
How are importers filing?
Web-based ISF systems allow you to set up your vendors with certain rights in your account where they can actually enter their portion of the data. This makes it easier to collect everything you need and stores the information in the ISF until it ready to be sent to Customs for review. How do importers file?There are many programs available for importers to file their ISF. Not all but many are extremely economically priced. Systems such as TRG Direct offer a Web-based solution that doesn´t but an economic strain on companies who are learning how to file.
Search google.com and you will see just about every 10+2 ISF solution competitor. Simple research and a demonstration of the system will show you exactly which application is best for you. Maybe you don´t expect to file many ISF, let´s say less than 50 a year. In this case it probably is better to leave this to your U.S. Customs broker. Wait, as long as they aren´t charging you a heinous amount for each ISF or applying large set up fees. Because the truth is an ISF filing is not that difficult. Now that the industry has a taste of ISF, we see it´s really not so bad. That is as long as you aren´t over paying for this transaction.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Importer Security Filing: Two Birds One Bond
Importer Security Filing is fast approaching. By now you should be familiar with 10+2 filing requirements and have a plan in place to comply with U.S. Customs this coming January. Beyond the filing requirements what does this mean for U.S. Customs bonds?
After the one year informed compliance period of importer security filing ends, Customs and Border Protection will begin enforcing compliance in the form of liquidated damages. These damages will be $5,000 for each ISF violation.
Kill Two Birds With One Bond
Importer Security Filings will be secured with a continuous bond. The following bonds have been amended to cover these requirements. For the first year of implementation fines and penalties will not be assessed to the bond. An increase in the Customs bond is not required at this time. After CBP’s structured review of importer security filing bonding requirements may be amended.
◦ Import bonds
◦ Custodial bonds
◦ International Carrier bonds
◦ FTZ Operator bonds
CBP has also issued a new bond referred to as the Importer Security Filing bond. This continuous bond will also cover ISF entries.
Do You Still Import Using Single Entry Bonds?
Those importers who continue to import using single entry bonds will need to purchase the new continuous ISF Bond. TRG offers the most economical solution for Importer Security Filing to those companies importing under single entry bonds. Purchase one continuous bond to cover BOTH the ISF filings and the consumption entries.
TRG has created a presentation outlining 10+2 Importer Security Filing. Download your complimentary copy and stay informed.
TRG provides wholesale pricing on U.S. Customs bonds. By obtaining your import bond from TRG, you will benefit from a staff of experienced and knowledgeable administrators, underwriters, and customer service specialists to keep your bond accurate and in good standing with U.S Customs.
How do I Apply for a continuous U.S. Customs bond?
Contact Sarah Braun, at (847) 756-7531 or apply online at http://www.traderiskguaranty.com/
After the one year informed compliance period of importer security filing ends, Customs and Border Protection will begin enforcing compliance in the form of liquidated damages. These damages will be $5,000 for each ISF violation.
Kill Two Birds With One Bond
Importer Security Filings will be secured with a continuous bond. The following bonds have been amended to cover these requirements. For the first year of implementation fines and penalties will not be assessed to the bond. An increase in the Customs bond is not required at this time. After CBP’s structured review of importer security filing bonding requirements may be amended.
◦ Import bonds
◦ Custodial bonds
◦ International Carrier bonds
◦ FTZ Operator bonds
CBP has also issued a new bond referred to as the Importer Security Filing bond. This continuous bond will also cover ISF entries.
Do You Still Import Using Single Entry Bonds?
Those importers who continue to import using single entry bonds will need to purchase the new continuous ISF Bond. TRG offers the most economical solution for Importer Security Filing to those companies importing under single entry bonds. Purchase one continuous bond to cover BOTH the ISF filings and the consumption entries.
TRG has created a presentation outlining 10+2 Importer Security Filing. Download your complimentary copy and stay informed.
TRG provides wholesale pricing on U.S. Customs bonds. By obtaining your import bond from TRG, you will benefit from a staff of experienced and knowledgeable administrators, underwriters, and customer service specialists to keep your bond accurate and in good standing with U.S Customs.
How do I Apply for a continuous U.S. Customs bond?
Contact Sarah Braun, at (847) 756-7531 or apply online at http://www.traderiskguaranty.com/
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