Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Get your C-TPAT certification for ISF purposes!

C-TPAT Certified? Save the date for this CBP Training Seminar.

Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) is a Customs & Border Protection (CBP) Security initiative designed to engage importers in the validation of their supply chain integrity. Learn more about C-TPAT and the benefits associated with the program in the TRG Trade Spotlight September 2008 issue.

For importers already participating in this initiative, CBP is hosting a training seminar geared toward the challenges in upholding supply chain security during today’s economic environment. The event will include education on:
Balancing Supply Chain Security & Economic Efficiency
Conducting a Supply Chain Security Risk Assessment
Suspensions and Removals
C-TPAT Best Practices
Developing a Security Training & Awareness Program
Proactive Approaches to Security Breach Prevention
Mutual Recognition
Interagency cooperation
Only 1,200 Slots Available – First Come First Served!

Anaheim Marriott Hotel700 West Convention WayAnaheim, California, 92802

Session 1 – Wednesday & Thursday, March 17-18, 2010Session 2 – Thursday & Friday, March 18-19, 2010

No cost to attend the conference. Expenses for lodging and travel are the responsibility of the C-TPAT member.

Registration: Online CBP Website

In order to avoid paying these stiff fines, many importers have brought their policies and procedures in house to ensure they know that they are filing timely and accurately. The ISF consists of 10 very easily attainable data elements. Once the importer begins receiving the information, the filing part is easy.

TRG Direct, an ISF and customs entry software provider, allows importers to file online in seconds using templates and excel uploads. Also, since the ISF is not considered customs business, many importers allow their vendors to access the ISFs under their own user names and input information, which means the information never has to go through a third party.

If you haven’t started filing, don’t stress: you still have a month to practice filing penalty-free. However, you need to start filing now. CBP has stated that the most important thing importers can do before compliance begins is to create a history with CBP by filing their ISFs. By doing so, importers may be able to mitigate any fines and penalties assessed at the beginning of compliance. Importers who have not been filing will be the first ones paying these fines.

If you have been filing, you need to make sure your policies and procedures are in place and that all filings are timely and accurate. Check your progress report to see how well you’re doing. And remember, by filing yourself, you have complete control over filing timely and accurately.

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