Friday, November 13, 2009

Should I enter container information on my ISF?

It is possible to entry container information into an ISF, but should this be done?

We suggest that it is truly best if container and equipment information is not entered. The container information is not pulled into the customs entry, is not required in either the entry or ISF, and can be more problematic than helpful with the Importer Security Filing. If incorrect information is entered, the ISF can be rejected, which is a problem because a rejected ISF is like not filing an ISF at all.

To have more of your ISF questions answered please send an email to

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

ISF Software User Group Meeting

TRG Direct's next ISF software and direct filing system User Group webinar will be on November 11th at 11am CT.

To register for the webinar please visit:

Our webinar is open to our self filing importers as well as prospects looking further into our system. Please mark this on your calendar and plan to attend. Great information comes out of these events!