Monday, August 31, 2009

World Customs Organization Conference 2009


Preserving the Engine of Global Economic Growth

A two-day conference focusing on the future of facilitation for low-risk operators and the use of multilateral standards within the international supply chain.

This conference and exhibition will provide an ideal business opportunity to learn about the latest trade-related regulatory initiatives of the world’s major trading nations, whether under the banner of the WCO SAFE Framework, E-Customs, export control regimes, or Integrated Border Management.

Senior government officials, leaders of trade-focused advocacy groups from many countries, and corporate executives from six continents will exchange views on global trade initiatives, identify opportunities for innovation and positive change, and meet a global mix of potential partners and associates with a shared interest in trade facilitation, and improving effective cross-border regulation and supply chain management.

Learn from globally recognized experts, Share your views and experiences with key decision makers: let your opinion be heard!

We Look Forward to Seeing You in Seattle!For further details visit the conference

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ISF Vendor & Supplier Compliance

Are you still contemplating how to establish and enforce the advanced data reporting requirements under Importer Security Filing? Like preparing for a 400-meter relay, good communication and training is imperative, especially with something like this that carries stiff monetary penalties or that could result in a “Do Not Load” message next January and requires significant change to the current methods in place for centuries. Is your supply chain ready to hand off your ISF baton?

Importer Security Filing Preparation

To reinforce the necessity for the ten (10) ISF data (excluding the bill of lading number, called the “phantom eleventh”) elements, we strongly suggests that you consider amending your purchase order or other contractual agreements used in the transaction to require the vendor or supplier’s compliance with ISF requirements. Some importers are also adding conditions to financial instruments like letters of credit. Placing such language in your contractual documents could prove to be a mitigating factor if CBP issues you a penalty for untimely or inaccurate data after January 2010.

We also suggest that you contact and closely coordinate activities with the ocean carriers, NVOCC’s and freight forwarders that participate in your import program. Meetings between your supplier base and the carrier(s) at origin should be implemented for purposes of ironing out new protocols and procedures for issuing the bill of lading number in advance. Most major ocean carriers (Maersk, APL/NOL, Evergreen, Hanjin, NYK, K-Line, OOCL and others) are well informed on ISF; therefore, if leveraged properly, their overseas offices can assist you with educating your vendor and supplier base. We recommend that you contact your US-based carrier representative and request their overseas offices engage problematic vendors or otherwise help you communicate this new requirement.

If your ISF baton is dropped between transfers, immediate disqualification may occur. Some importers are instituting vendor penalties through their vendor compliance programs to incentivize compliance and to help offset the potential cost of CBP penalties levied against the importer.

Suggested Notifications For Your Suppliers & Vendors

It seems that the two most troubling situations for importers right now are the inability to get the bill of lading number in advance and/or lack of suppliers and vendors.

If you are currently direct filing with TRG Direct, you can access these letters within your account under Resources. Suggested reading or attachments to your correspondence might include an Adobe copy of CBP Interim Final Rule (Federal Register Notice), copies of your new company polices or procedures, copies of other publications concerning ISF, and/or letters underscoring the importance and their support for the initiative from Senior Management.Our ISF direct filing customers are free to use our suggested language or some variation thereof for their company or particular situation in an effort to get compliance with their ISF program; of course, the tone can also be adjusted according to personal preferences and corporate culture.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Importer Security Filing Webinar

TRG Direct offers a self-filing application for importer security filing. Join us in a discussion on the new requirements and learn how you can decrease your costs and increase your control by brining this in-house. We will demonstrate our ISF software and show you how easily you can file an ISF.

Register for TRG Direct's upcoming ISF webinar series. Advanced registration is required and can be done by following the links below.

August 26th 11AM CT

Sept 2nd 11AM CT

Sept 16th 11AM CT

If you are unable to attend one of the times above, please contact Jena Leary, 847-756-7553 or to schedule a personlized consult.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Importer Security Filing Background

10+2 Importer Security Filing

For the 40% of importers subject to ISF, that have not been filing here is a background on the regulation.

The Importer Security Filing (ISF), also known 10+2, is a new US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulation requiring importers and vessel carriers to provide advance data elements electronically to CBP for non-bulk cargo shipments in-bound into the United States by vessel. The focus of this initiative is to improve CBP's ability to recognize high-risk shipments in advance to ensure the safety of America's borders. ISF went into effect January 26th 2009. As a resident or non-resident US importer, or as one of their suppliers, are you prepared to provide the required Importer Security Filing elements 24 hours prior to vessel lading? If you are not doing this today, you may be in non-compliance with the new requirements.

Importer (10)

Ship to Name & Address
Importer of Record #
Consignee #
6 Digit Commodity #
Manufacturer Name & Address
Seller Name & Address
Container Stuffing Location
Consolidator Name & Address
Buyer Name & Address
Country of Origin of the Goods

Carrier (2)

Vessel Stow Plan
Container Status Message Data

Thursday, August 20, 2009

ISF Progress Reports l Second Round Released

Barrington, IL, Aug. 24 /PRWeb/ -- The Importer Security Filing (ISF), also known 10+2, is a new U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulation requiring importers and vessel carriers to provide advance data elements electronically to CBP for non-bulk cargo shipments in-bound into the United States by vessel. The focus of this initiative is to improve CBP's ability to recognize high-risk shipments in advance to ensure the safety of America's borders. The penalty phase of ISF begins January 2010. CBP is issuing progress reports periodically up until the final implementation date of ISF. These report cards are a way for importers to gauge the timeliness and accuracy of their ISF to date.

CBP has released the second set of Importer Security Filing (ISF) progress reports. These reports contain data ranging from 5/19/09 through 8/06/09 and was generated by CBP according to their criteria. TRG Direct, a leading provider of web-based software for ISF and consumption entry filing, noted that an importer’s progress with their importer security filing program prior to a violation will be a major mitigating factor come the penalty phase. Importers are able to request their ISF progress report direct from U.S. Customs or they will receive a copy from the party filing on their behalf. This report is helping many companies adjust their business processes as problems arise during this phase of ISF.

For those companies who have been hesitant to react to importer security filing, stiff monetary penalties will be the result. The mitigation guidelines were posted in Customs’ Bulletin & Decisions in mid-July. After the announcement of a $5,000 penalty for non-compliance, TRG Direct experienced a jump in new filers. Many importers that have relied on their broker or a different, less user friendly system have come to the company in hopes of increasing accuracy and timeliness of their ISF. Cost effective solutions that will help the importer to comply are available and importers can start filing right away.

Direct filing importers are working closely with their software providers, such as TRG Direct, to fully understand their progress report and determine what changes, if any need to be made. One such result from review of an Importer Security Filing report card is the implementation of vendor and supplier compliance programs. "It seems that the two most troubling situations for importers right now are the inability to get the bill of lading number in advance and/or lack of suppliers and vendors compliance," noted Mike Laden, President, TRG Direct, "In response we have created suggested notifications for our customers to use in correspondence with their overseas partners. We have seen quite an improvement by our filers".

About TRG Direct

Founded in 1991, TRG was ultimately committed to providing international traders the best possible option for U.S. Customs Bonds and Marine Cargo Insurance. After substantial growth, TRG recognized the need for a more economical option for importers to process their entry clearance. With that TRG Direct was born as a way for international traders to file their consumption entry with U.S. Customs in-house. Committed to addressing other needs of the industry, TRG Direct expanded its services to offer direct filing of ISF in addition to the entry.

TRG Direct consists of industry experts committed to developing related products that enhance the simplicity, safety and economics of international trading. The extensive background of the team consists of 25 years of Customs ABI development, 25 years underwriting Customs bonds and 30 years in supply chain security management. For more information, please visit

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Understanding Your ISF Report Card

Importer Security Filing Progress Reports

U.S. Customs has released the second set of importer security filing report cards. This batch contains data from 5/19/09 through 8/06/09 and was generated by CBP according to their criteria. Please review your report carefully.

You will notice on this report that CBP has added a “Message Action” column that either shows “Add” or “Replace”. Add is the first ISF transmission which is measured as “accepted” or “rejected” –
Replace is any subsequent transmission again which is “accepted” or “rejected”. When reviewing your report you should also pay special attention to the Timeliness Performance. It is our opinion that if your company has a less than 50% timeliness rating, that some investigation is necessary and you should be working closely with supply chain stakeholders to improve processes and timely reporting of information.

The next TRG Direct User’s Group will continue to explore and discuss best practices among TRG Direct clients and the most recent series of reports. We encourage you to join us for these lively and informative sessions. The next User’s Group meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 9th at 11:00 am central time. Advanced registration is required and can be accomplished by visiting the following link:

If you have general questions concerning your report or the data contained in it please contact us at If you have specific questions related to the report please contact CBP directly at

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

CBP Trade Outreach - Register Today

CBP is hosting trade outreach events in various locations around the country to provide the trade community with an opportunity to learn more about the new Importer Security Filing and Additional Carrier Requirements (a.k.a. ISF/”10+2”) interim final rule. These events are intended to give the importing and filing community a basic understanding of how to fulfill the new requirements. Space is limited so please pre-register using the CBP on-line registration process.

August:Philadelphia, PA - Wednesday August 19, 2009 (On-Line Registration opens August 3, 2009)( Philadelphia Registration ) ( Philadelphia Cancellation )

Seattle/Tacoma, WA - Wednesday August 19, 2009 (On-line Registration opens August 3, 2009)( Seattle Registration ) ( Seattle Cancellation )

Boston, MA - Wednesday August 26, 2009 (On-line Registration opens August 10, 2009)( Boston Registration ) ( Boston Cancellation )

Houston, TX - Wednesday August 26, 2009 (On-line Registration opens August 10, 2009)( Houston Registation ) ( Houston Cancellation )

September:Baltimore, MD – Wednesday, September 02, 2009 (On-line Registration opens August 17,2009)( Baltimore Registration ) ( Baltimore Cancellation )

Long Beach, CA – Wednesday, September 02, 2009 (On-line Registration opens August 17,2009)( Long Beach Registration ) ( Long Beach Cancellation )

Miami, FL – Wednesday, September 09, 2009 (On-line Registration opens August 24, 2009)( Miami Registration ) ( Miami Cancellation )

Charleston, SC – Wednesday, September 09, 2009 (On-line Registration opens August 24, 2009)( Charleston Registration ) ( Charleston Cancellation )

Chicago, IL – Wednesday, September 23, 2009 (On-line Registration opens September 4, 2009)( Chicago Registration ) ( Chicago Cancellation )

Oakland/San Francisco, CA – Wednesday, September 23, 2009 (On-line Registration opens September 4, 2009)( Oakland/San Francisco Registration ) ( Oakland/San Francisco Cancellation )

Washington, DC - Friday, September 25, 2009 (On-line Registration opens September 4, 2009)( Washington Registration ) ( Washington Cancellation )

Norfolk, VA – Wednesday, September 30, 2009 (On-line Registration opens September 14, 2009)( Norfolk Registration ) ( Norfolk Cancellation )

Newark, NJ – Wednesday, September 30, 2009 (On-line Registration opens September 14, 2009)( Newark Registration ) ( Newark Cancellation )

Monday, August 10, 2009

Importer Security Filing Software Demo

TRG Direct is a web-based importer security filing software. View this demonstration of our system or contact us today for a private demonstration of our system.

Or sign up for our FREE WEBINAR: